Laura Vanaga

Category : Oratore Speaker Coach

Oratore platform was founded by reputation management and public relations professional with more than 20 years of experience Dagnija Lejiņa, and business coach, HR consultant and the author of books like “Yoga and Selling” and “How to Achieve Success in Latvia” Laura Vanaga-Mickeviča.

Both of us have a story about overcoming this fear of public speaking. Just as with skydiving, climbing a mountain to the highest peak or holding a spider, public speaking can also be a cathartic moment of self-discovery. We’ve experienced it first hand, and we know that practicing public speaking while using coaching techniques can lead you to higher self-esteem, drive and trust in your own abilities. Everyone has the potential within us to outwardly present our best selves, but it’s the decision to act on it that matters.

It’s not possible to change the world while sitting in the corner by yourself. We waste a lot of time giving in to fear and creating disaster scenarios in our heads. Humility must be eradicated for fear to be overcome. The spotlight of a stage is just another challenge we must take on. It’s not easy, but we can help you can get prepared.

The Oratore Public Speaking Institute is a platform for developing and improving presentation skills, empowering leadership and achieving your full potential through positive change.